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Release Notes v7.5

April 20, 2020

Server version may take up to 60 minutes to start for the first time if upgraded from the v7.0.6 or below due to DB schema update.

Important: ActivityTimeline has few infrastructure changes between v7.2.x and v7.3.0:

  1. Dropped support of 32bit servers starting from AT v7.3.0. Contact support if you are running AT on a 32bit server.
  2. New and start.bat/stop.bat scripts:
    1. Do not use them if upgrading from v7.2 or below and "atdb" folder is not in "<INSTALLED_LOCATION>/activitytimeline/bin/" folder as ActivityTimeline may not be able to load the previous data.
    2. Start ActivityTimeline in the same way as before or move "atdb" folder into "<INSTALLED_LOCATION>/activitytimeline/bin/" folder and then use the new scripts.
    3. You can use new scripts if you have ActivityTimeline configured to use external database like MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle DB.
  3. Upgraded underlying Tomcat to version 9 and JRE 8 u202

ActivityTimeline Cloud:  Released on April 18, 2020. 

ActivityTimeline Server: Released on April 20, 2020.

This version update includes the following enhancements:

  • Added new Milestones Report

  • Added Italian language localization

  • Added possibility export project Fix Versions in Milestones Report

  • Added possibility to show Fix Versions on the Milestones Panel for a project

  • Improved performance of Assignee/Team drop down for large instances

  • Improved support for Jira Next-Gen projects

  • Configurable pagination on the left issues panel

  • Added bulk Reassign and bulk Clone actions to the 'Bulk Reschedule' dialog

  • Added 'Dynamic Team' based on user Position (in addition to Skill)

  • New option to auto add/remove users from a project team based on assigned Booking item

  • Improved auto-refresh of permitted projects list

  • Updated styles of issue estimates
  • Improved workload calculation in large period units

  • Improved reports for large scopes

  • Improved UI on manage user skills and positions page

  • A number of other improvements and bug fixes

New issue remaining estimate rendering:

Italian language support:

Dynamic Team based on Position:

Milestones Report:

Home Reports view:

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