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Release Notes v9.2

May 20, 2022

Server/Data Center version: Upgrading from v8.2.2 or below to v9.2.0 may take few minutes longer than usual due to the application's DB tables update.

ActivityTimeline Cloud:  Released on Apr 11, 2022. 

ActivityTimeline Server/DC: Released on May 20, 2022.

Recommended: Backup your Jira’s database before the upgrade from v8.x to v9.0+

This version update includes the following enhancements:

  • Added possibility to filter issues and events on timelines by project and type

  • Added new ‘Team utilization report’ that includes data from the Team Panel timeline in addition to user timelines

  • Added possibility to create and configure Team custom field

  • Added warning if user tries to log more than 24 hours per day

  • Added new configuration option to limit the maximum allowed worklog hours per day according to user’s capacity

  • Added new category to Booking event types to automatically exclude them from Timesheets

  • Improved dropdowns rendering to get wider if there are longer text options than current width

  • Improved displaying of My Workspace -> Edit worklog table

  • Fixed issue with status not being updated on Team Panel until page refresh

  • Fixed rendering of a custom issue background color on an issue bar (customization)

  • Fixed users order in imported teams (on update)

  • Many other improvements and fixes

Should you have any questions regarding any of the new features -
feel free to contact our Support Team.

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