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Release Notes v9.9

June 5, 2024

ActivityTimeline Cloud:  Released on May 18, 2024. 

ActivityTimeline Server/DC: Released on June 5, 2024.

Recommended: Backup your Jira’s database before the upgrade from v8.x to v9.0+

This version update includes the following enhancements:

  • Added Java 17 support

  • Added new "Three weeks" timeline scope to Plan and Work views


  • Added new permission role - Power Team Lead. With this role users can manage specific teams, but can also see all other teams with Employee-level access.


  • Added bookmarking for charts.


  • Added Planned vs Actual Chart by Team, which allows to compare what was teams capacity, how much of this capacity was planned and what was actually delivered in the period:


  • Added support for additional fields in Track reports:


  • Performance improvements for large instances (e.g 5000+ users)

  • Stability improvements in Jira Data Center mode

  • Other improvements and fixes.

Should you have any questions regarding any of the new features -
feel free to contact our Support Team.

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