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Restore Administrator Access

If the situation happened when there are no users with Administrator Role remaining in the system then nobody will be able to configure ActivityTimeline.

We have created a command line utility that can restore admin access to ActivityTimeline Server.

There are two modes of it: when ActivityTimeline is running using a built-in H2 database (default mode) and the second option for ActivityTimeline that runs using an external database (like MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle or PostreSQL).

Built-in H2 database mode

Use the following link to download the tool:

​The zip package contains README.txt file and admin-access-restore.jar file that can assign Administrator role to a specified user.


1. Stop ActivityTimeline (launch "<AT_INSTALLED_FOLDER>/activitytimeline/bin/" (Linux) or "<AT_INSTALLED_FOLDER>\activitytimeline\bin\shutdown.bat" (Windows))

2. Backup "atdb" folder (usually activitytimeline/bin/atdb).

3. Place this jar file into "atdb" folder (usually activitytimeline/bin/atdb).

4. Launch this jar file using the following command:

     java -jar admin-access-restore.jar USERNAME add_user_if_missing

USERNAME should be replaced with a real username of user who should restore an Administrator role.

5. Start ActivityTimeline.​

External database mode

Use the following link to download the tool:

​The zip package admin-access-restore.jar file that can assign Administrator role to a specified user.


1. Stop ActivityTimeline (launch "<AT_INSTALLED_FOLDER>/activitytimeline/bin/" (Linux) or "<AT_INSTALLED_FOLDER>\activitytimeline\bin\shutdown.bat" (Windows))

2. Unzip downloaded package into <HOME_FOLDER>

3. Copy '<AT_INSTALLED_PATH>/activitytimeline/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/' file into <HOME_FOLDER>

4. Open <HOME_FOLDER> and launch this jar file using the following command:

      java -jar admin-access-restore.jar USERNAME add_user_if_missing

USERNAME should be replaced with a real username of user who should restore an Administrator role.

5. Start ActivityTimeline.​

As a result, user with USERNAME username should get an Administrator Role assigned.

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