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Welcome to Saved Dashboards

With our upcoming new release, we’re introducing a new concept into the world of ActivityTimeline called - Saved Dashboards. This new feature will greatly expand the capability of users to see various data on the Planning, Workspace and Timesheets views.

We are also unifying the appearance of the views. So, we have written a quick guide to show you what’s changing in advance.

These changes are planned for a rollout mid-end of August 2021.

Main changes from the current version

TRACK view:



WORK view:



Report view:



Saved Dashboards

Essentially, what you can do now is to pre-save your frequently used configurations for Plan, Work & Track, and switch between them easily:

Moreover, as a manager or admin, you can configure the views and then share them with the specific people, teams or user roles. This allows to quickly configure the system & share the information, so everybody is on the same page and see the same information:

Workflow for saving dashboards

  1. Open Plan, Work or Track view

  2. Configure the view you’d like to see: Filters, Teams, Score, etc.

  3. Click “Save Configuration As” & Choose the name for the dashboard

  4. Voilà - You can now switch between pre-saved configurations just with two clicks

What Configurations are Saved into Dashboards?


  1. Filters on the Left Panel

  2. Selected Teams

  3. Scope of the Period

  4. Workload Indicator Mode

  5. Grouping & Sorting

  6. Team Panel Configurations


  1. Filters & Group on the Left Panel

  2. Report Type

  3. Reporting Period

  4. Reporting Units: Days/Weeks/Months

Also, please note that previously saved Favorite Timesheets (if any) will be replaced with Saved Dashboards for Track view.

If you have any additional questions related to the following section, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at:

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