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Certified Professional Course

To help you harness the full power of ActivityTimeline, we created the ActivityTimeline Administrator Guide: Mastering Resource Planning and Time Tracking.


Why does this course exist?

Administrators and solution partners often need comprehensive training to fully understand all that ActivityTimeline has to offer. This structured guide walks you through every feature of the tool, ensuring you gain the confidence to manage it like a pro.

Breakdown of the course content:

This course covers the following content:

  • Introduction to ActivityTimeline

  • Planner Module: Learn about Capacity Planning and Planner’s main features

  • User Management: Roles, Positions, Skills, Workload Schemes, and more

  • Team Management: Functional and Classic Teams, handling Imported Teams

  • Effective Planning: Planner Module, issue splitting, and planning on team levels

  • Workload | How to book users' time?: Workload indicators, integration with Jira

  • Sprints and Story Points: Sprint planning, story points, and more

  • Workspace Module: Configuration and importance of workspaces

  • Timesheets and Time Tracking: Time tracking methods, workload calculation

  • Reports and Analytics Module: Charts, bookmarks, and gadgets

  • 3rd Party Integrations: Webhooks, calendar integration, advanced settings

Quizzes after each section will help you review what you’ve learned.


By the end of the course, you’ll have the expertise to fully optimize and manage ActivityTimeline, enabling seamless operation for your organization or customers.

How to Enroll?

To enroll, send an email to with the subject “Course Enrollment.”

Upon enrollment, you will be sent an email invitation to access the course. Simply click on the 'Go to course' link to be redirected to the course page. Feel free to begin, pause, and resume the course at your own pace, as there is no time restriction.


How to Get Certificate?

Upon successful completion of the course within one week, you will be sent an email containing the certificate of completion. This certificate can be used to demonstrate your proficiency in ActivityTimeline.


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