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Integrating with Outlook Calendar - Export

Users can export their schedule from ActivityTimeline to Google Outlook Calendar.

To build one's timeline into Outlook calendar, follow the steps: 

  1. Navigate to My Account in ActivityTimeline → Calendar Integration tab.

  2. Click on Renew Calendar Link to generate a unique iCal Datafeed URL. 

  3. Open your Microsoft Outlook Calendar → Click on Open Calendar and select Add Calendar From the Internet.

  4. Paste the previously copied URL into the blank field and click the ‘OK’ and then 'Yes' buttons. Jira tasks and custom events scheduled on your timeline will appear in Microsoft Outlook Calendar:

  5. The system will now send timeline data and information about custom events or scheduled work into the external calendar. JIRA tickets and custom events that are scheduled on your timeline should appear in Microsoft Outlook Calendar

ActivityTimeline add-on does not integrate with the Shared Outlook calendar, so other team members who do not have access to ActivityTimeline and would like to make an appointment with that person will not see bookings or other custom events added to his/her timeline.

If you see an error "We can't add the calendar for right now. Try again later" when adding a calendar in Outlook, this is due to the “Shared calendar improvements” Microsoft 365 feature so make sure it is turned off (left unchecked).

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