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User Guide

This page contains documentation of ActivityTimeline Cloud and DC version

Quick Admin Guides are available here (Cloud) or here (DC).

ActivityTimeline High-level Overview

Getting Started with ActivityTimeline as a Regular User:

  • Get started with ActivityTimeline in under 5 minutes with Quick Start Guide

  • How to change your personal information on My Account menu

  • Start with your Workspace: see your tasks and track progress with interactive charts

  • See your teams' planning on the Plan module (if you have permission to)

  • How to Log work on the Work or Plan page

  • Track the timesheets on the Track page (if you have permission to)

  • Check the features that can be performed with Jira Issues

  • Check out the possibility of Custom Events

  • Create reports on Report page (if you have permission to)

  • Integrate ActivityTimeline calendar with External Calendars

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