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Synchronization Issue caused by troubles with Jira Access Tokens - Incident Mar 2022

Recently there has been a Jira Cloud incident with Jira Access Tokens that could have impacted some of our customers and their ability to synchronize data between Jira & ActivityTimeline:


1. How to check if you’re impacted?

Go to Plan View and click on the “Refresh” button:


If you’re impacted, you’ll see one of the following error messages:


2. How to fix this

You must have an Administrator permission to proceed.

  1. Go to ActivityTimeline Configuration → Technical Info → Click on “Re-Initialize Connection to Jira” link:

  1. Click on “YES“ button if prompted.

Note: This will not impact your existing data and your instance will stay intact.

Should you experience any difficulties - please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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