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Aggregated View

Aggregation functionality is available starting from ActivityTimeline v9.4.0+

Aggregation functionality allows grouping the data on the timeline together to form a single summary value.

By default, the aggregation is disabled on the dashboard. To enable it, click on the following icon on the right panel toolbar.

Aggregation functionality can add significant value to the schedule analysis. It helps to visualize the broad picture of the users’ timelines.

There are five ways to group the information: per Project, Epic, Issue Status, Priority, and Issue Type.

Per project

Aggregation per project allows seeing the overall picture and shows which projects users are currently involved in without going into the task details. Project cards have different colors from each other which helps differentiates and easily picture the data.


Per Epic

Similar to Per Project, Per Epic aggregation allows grouping of the data based on the epic issues are linked to. Epic cards have different colors from each other which helps differentiates and easily picture the data.


Per Issue Status

Per Status aggregation helps track the position of an issue in its workflow on the timeline. You can easily see which tasks are already in progress or are scheduled for the past but not completed yet and etc.

Per Issue Type

Per Jira Issue type aggregation allows you to visualize and distinguish different types of work in unique ways, and help identify, categorize, and report on the team's work.


Per Issue Priority

To quickly see and analyze how urgent are the tasks that team is working on, Per Issue Priority aggregation can be used. Priority helps to identify the relative importance of an incident and is usually based on the impact and urgency of an issue.


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