Basic Concepts: Resources & Teams
ActivityTimeline is a resource planning application, so the main focus is done on planning the activity of your individual resources and teams.
The resource or user in ActivityTimeline is considered anyone that is present within the application (basically everyone with active Jira license). Users can be associated with different User Roles, Positions and Skills that will determine their permissions within the system as well as add them some meta-data to allow better resource planning.
You can access the list of all your resources in ActivityTimeline Configuration→Users:

A concept of a team is pretty straightforward in ActivityTimeline, which is essentially a group of people united into a single entity.
There are 2 types of Teams in ActivityTimeline: Classic and Functional (Dynamic). The difference behind these 2 teams is the way how they are formed and maintained:
Classic team - is a group of people that is formed by simply adding your resources manually into a single team. You can add and remove users from such teams manually at any time:

Functional (Dynamic) team - is a group of people that is formed automatically based on either its position or skillset. It means that in order to set up such team, you firstly need to associate your users with certain skills or positions, then you can simply select this skill and the system will automatically create a team and add all the users with this skill/position:

That’s basically it, when you have your teams set up and ready, you can plan their activities, track the progress and report to see the overall picture.