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How to help support team to resolve your problem faster?

This page describes steps to take before contacting the support team with a troubleshooting query.

Please make sure to perform all steps and include a screenshot and logs from all Jira nodes as well as ActivityTimeline log zip file in the request:

1. Turn on TRACE logging for “com.reliex” package in Jira:

  • Go to  Jira Administration -> System -> Logging and profiling -> Default Loggers ->Configure;

  • Enter the name in the Package name field: com.reliex

  • Logging Level: TRACE

  • Click ‘Add’:

2. Open ActivityTimeline and perform some actions if possible

3. After at least 5 minutes download and send the Jira Support Package

To download it, please, go to Jira Administration -> System -> Troubleshooting and support tools -> Create support zip:


4. Make a screenshot of ActivityTimeline Maintenance Page and send:

The Maintenance Page can be found at Jira Administration -> Manage Apps -> left menu ActivityTimeline -> Settings -> Maintenance Page button or via the following direct link:


5. Download and send ActivityTimeline logs:

ActivityTimeline logs can be downloaded from ActivityTimeline Maintenance Page at Jira → Administration → Manage Apps → ACTIVITYTIMELINE section on the left panel → Settings → Maintenance Page → Download Logs button at the bottom of that page:


All mentioned above files have to be sent as the attachments to

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