Planning Period, Units and Compact Mode
You can easily navigate through the timelines of users by:
Clicking on a timeline header → The system will jump through the scopes
The navigation bar at the top allows navigating from weeks, days, or months:
Click on the Next Day icon to switch focus to the following day
Click Next Week and switch to the following week and further on
Click Today to move to the current week.
Click on the Arrow down ↓ on the Dashboard toolbar calendar is opened. Select a different week to jump to:
Available Scopes
By default, the user can see the timeline of the selected team for the current week (Weekly scope is the default one).
To change the scope simply click on the scope icon and select any of the available scopes:
Fixed Period:
Two Weeks
Users' timelines render in 14-day scope (starting from the current week)
Workload indicator shows workload for all days and the sum of hours for the whole period
Month - Daily
Timelines render from 1st till the last day of the current month
All timeline cells are thin. Workload indicator renders thin
Full view is available when mousing over workload indicator
Month - Weekly
All weeks of the current month render
If 1st week starts in the previous month, or the last weekends in the next month, those weeks are also included
Workload indicator shows the sum of hours for each week and the sum for the whole period
Two Months
All weeks of the current month and the following month render
Workload indicator shows the sum of hours for each week and the sum for the whole period
All weeks of 3 months render starting from the current week
Workload indicator renders thin. Full view is available when mousing over workload indicator
Half a Year
Calendar view changes to 6-month view
Each timeline column = 1 month
Workload indicator periods change from the week # tag to the name of the month
Workload indicator shows the sum of hours for each month and the sum of the whole period
Calendar view changes to 12 months of the current year view
Each timeline column = 1 month
Workload indicator renders thin
Full view is available when mousing over workload indicator
Three Years
Three Years Quarterly
Scrollable Period:
Month - Daily Scroll
Timelines render from 1st till the last day of the current month
All timeline cells are thick (except for the weekend)
To see the whole month view use a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the timeline panel
The whole month is accessible when scrolling. All cells (working days) remain thick
Workload indicator renders thin
Full view is available when mousing over workload indicatoк
Quarter Weekly Scroll
Expanded (Compact) View
When the Expanded (Compact) View is switched on, the Issues panel is stretched. All timeline rows become thinner. The calendar scope remains the same as selected before.