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Import Jira Teams

This page is applicable to Jira Cloud hosting option only.

Jira Teams can be easily imported into ActivityTimeline, which will allow you to set up teams quickly.

ActivityTimeline Administrator needs to configure one-time integration at ActivityTimeline → Configurations → 3d Party Integration → Jira Teams Integration page to import teams from Jira.


Once the integration is finished, simply go to ActivityTimeline Configuration → Teams → And click on the ‘Import Jira Teams’ button:


Another way to import Jira Teams is available on the ‘Create Team’ page:


Important: This works as an Import-only feature, meaning that when a team’s name or its users in the Jira teams are updated, they won’t automatically be updated inside ActivityTimeline.

You should click on ‘Import Jira Teams’ button again to load team changes.

ActivityTimeline features available for Jira Teams

On the opened Edit team screen, you can set Team Leads, if needed, Projects, or add restrictions such as ‘Only Team Leads can see this team’ or ‘Hide Team lead from team members list'.


That’s it, you have your team ready and you can go to the ‘Plan' view to assign new tasks to your users.

This feature is available in Jira Cloud only.

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