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Leave Report

This type of report provides a summary of all leave-type events like sick leaves, vacations, days off, and partial days off (and event types based on them) for each user in a defined team.

To generate Leave Report follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to Reports → Find the desired report in the list:    

  1. Specify display unit (day, week, or month);

  2. Choose a team to generate a report for;

  3. Choose a period from a predefined list or specify a custom period;

  4. Choose whether to generate a report based on all leave events or apply an events filter.

  5. Generate Report in Web or Excel format:


Leave Report opens in a selected format.

The report represents the collection of all vacation-type events for the selected team.

Vacation Event Type has two statuses: 

  • Unapproved vacations

  •  Approved vacations that are specified in brackets


To customize additional event types go to Configuration Events Create new timeline event type Create a new event with one of Event Type on the Custom Events page page:

  • Day Off

  • Holiday

  • Sick Leave

  • Vacation

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