Release Notes v5.5
June 29, 2018
Server version may take up to 60 minutes to start for the first time if upgraded from the v5.3 or below due to DB schema update.
Also, the new default workload indicators mode will be set to "Worklogs & Workload".
This version update includes the following enhancements:
- Single Sign-On with Jira (SSO) - login into ActivityTimeline without a password
- Automatic displaying of Project Release dates (Fix Version) on the Milestones Panel after selecting a project
- Improved User management page to display the number/list of teams a user belongs to
- New Aggregated Timeline Report that combines issues of the same project
- Automatically group issue worklogs records per issue/project depending on the timeline scope
- Added Partial Days Off: part-day non-working time
- Added Select All/Unselect All issues into Auto Scheduler and Bulk Rescheduler dialogs
- Added possibility to Log Work on the period of days and on issue parts
- Added an automatic way to update Issue Parts remaining estimate after a change in Jira
- Added possibility to bulk-assign Skills and Position to users
- Added pagination on the left issues panel to browse issues by chunks of 100
- Added additional icons for new event types
- Added possibility to set/change colors of all recurrent events
- Added worklog records sync per project (used when a new project is added)
- Added possibility to generate web/excel report for yourself ('Only Me' report)
- Added "Merge All" link on issue card popup if issue is split
- Improved the way issues are split
- Improved Date/Time selection dialogs
- Improved displaying of issues on the timelines when "Apply left filters to Timelines panel" switch is on
- Improved performance of quick issue search (search by issue key)
- Improved performance of quick user search (search by name/username)
- Improved performance of team members management page; reorder team members
- Performance optimization of calculation the number of expired issues on dashboard
- Fixed "31 Day" timeline scope navigation issue
- Fixes several displaying issues in reports
- Fixed editing of Bookmarked Reports
- Fixed performance problem of deleting issues of an inactive project
- Fixed recurrent events creation with a specific time zone setting
- Fixed timeline panel to update the currently highlighted day after synchronization
- Fixed user availability calculation for the current day (take worklogs on the current day into account)
- A number of other improvements and bug fixes
Login into ActivityTimeline without a password (using Single Sign-On with Jira):
Since AT v5.4, the default Worklogs & Workload mode displays both past and future: work logs for past, workload for future (based on remaining estimate of scheduled issues):
Other screen shots: