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ActivityTimeline add-on allows generating the reports based on workload, skills level, availability, and timesheet reports in web and Excel.


Required permission:

  • Administrator Role;

  • Manager Role;

  • Power Employee Role - have rights to extract the reports for yourself "Me Only";

  • Employee Role - have rights to extract the reports for yourself "Me Only"

  • Limited Employee Role - have rights to extract the reports for yourself "Me Only";

  • Team Manager Role - have rights to extract the reports for yourself "Me Only" and Teams he/she belongs to.

The system supports three main groups of reports:

  1. Forecasting - a set of reports generated based on the remaining time estimate. The system will use the remaining time estimate of JIRA tickets to gather information about assignees and their capacity, and build the workload reports based on it.

  1. Time Sheets - a set of reports generated based on the amount of work done (number of hours logged by people in a team). 

  2. Tracking - a set of reports generated based on the time planned and time spent on specific JIRA tickets for a defined period of time, and time off.

For more information refer to the following sections:

  1. Planning Reports

  2. Time Sheet Reports

  3. Tracking Reports

  4. Bookmark Reports

More details about the reports can be found on Reports page.

Resource Utilization Forecast

Get a clear picture of resource utilization and improve your resource capacity planning.

Understand whether your resources are utilized to the fullest extent, track workload, and prevent the work over- or underload.

The report is available on both team & individual levels to see total available & used capacity.


Project Resources Report

Enjoy the advanced cross-project reporting. Observe how resources are scheduled per project.

Choose different scopes, multiple projects & teams, generate reports, and export to Excel format if needed.

Understand the total planned hours for each report.


Planned vs Actual Report

With the help of the Planned vs Actual report, you can compare expected results with the actual execution of tasks/projects.

Spot the difference between original estimate & actual execution to understand the bottlenecks of the project.

Choose a project and team, time frames, and acceptable deviation, which shows to which extent your project can be delayed.


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