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Resource Utilization Forecast

Resource Utilization Forecast provides an overview of a team’s expected workload for the future. Here’s what it does:

  1. Workload Forecast: It projects the workload for each team member over a specified period, based on all scheduled tasks and events on the users’ timelines.

  2. Data Sources: The forecast includes:

  • Jira Tasks: Based on the remaining estimates of assigned and scheduled on the timeline tasks.

  • Events: Includes bookings and placeholders added to the users’ timelines.

  1. Capacity Calculation:

  • Total Available Capacity: This is the total number of hours a user is available, calculated by taking the user’s full capacity (e.g., work hours per week) and subtracting any time off, such as vacations, sick leave, or other scheduled time off.

  1. Utilization Rate: Shows how much of each team member’s capacity is utilized by calculating the percentage of their available hours that are allocated to tasks and events.

  • Utilized Capacity: This represents the number of hours scheduled (tasks, events) for the person within the selected time period.

  1. Future Utilization Trends: The report breaks down the utilization rates week by week, giving insights into the team’s workload distribution over time. This allows you to spot under- or over-utilization in advance.

  2. Customization: You can filter the report by Jira filters, and specific projects, and choose between displaying the data in hours or in percentage (In summary report type). The inclusion of placeholders, booking items, and detailed percentages helps provide a comprehensive view of the team’s upcoming workload.

  3. Level of Detail: This report can be generated also with various levels of detailization providing breakdown of the allocation per Project, Epic, or Initiative.

To generate a Resource Utilization Forecast follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to the Reports → Find the desired report in the list:

  1. Select the display units the data to be grouped by – day, week, or month.

  2. Select a Team the report is to be generated for. The default value is the Current selected Team on the Planner.

  3. Select the Period the report is to be generated for or choose a Custom period option to configure a specific timeframe.

  4. Apply Jira filter or Project filter if needed

  5. Check 'Show details in percentage' (optional)

  6. Choose whether to generate a report based on Jira issues, ActivityTimeline Placeholders, or Bookings

  7. Generate Excel or Web Report:


Resource Utilization Forecast opens in the selected format:

  • Records of teams and team members are on the left

  • Each column corresponds to a unit chosen

  • Numbers correspond to the number of hours of work scheduled for a person or the percentage of the person’s capacity utilization.


If the option 'Users log worked time' is activated in General Configurations, this report will exclusively display data for the present and future, as historical information is captured in worklogs (Time spent).

If you're estimating tasks with Story Points or Daily Estimate, make sure to select the 'Users do log worked time' option. This is important because Story Points represent the effort needed for a task and don't change over time, unlike hours. So, even if you log time, your Story Points will stay the same and need to be spread out over the task's duration. The same applies to Daily Estimate. In this case report will show data for past and for future.

For a more comprehensive overview, you may refer to the video guide:

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