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Workload Schemes

Workload Schemes are available starting from ActivityTimeline v8.2.0

Workload Scheme is a work schedule that can be assigned to a single individual or to a group of people, that defines their working days as well as the number of available hours during these days.

A single person can only be subscribed to a single scheme that would define his/her available capacity during the week.

How to Associate Workload Scheme with User Groups?

The most effective way of assigning users to a Workload Scheme is by associating it with Jira groups, which will assign a particular Workload Scheme to all users from that Workload Group.
This is particularly useful when you have teams working in different countries that have different working schedules.

To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create Jira Group (or use an existing one) and add users that should be assigned to a specific schedule

  1. Go to ActivityTimeline Configuration → Users → Workload Schemes → Create a new Workload Scheme:

  1. Associate this Workload Scheme with your Jira Group in ActivityTimeline Configuration → Uses → Groups:

  1. Voilà, now all users from that User Group are assigned to your Workload Scheme, and their available capacity changed according to the scheme.

Note: If a user is a member of several groups that are assigned to different workload schemes, the workload scheme that has been applied the latest to that user will be used by the system to determine that user’s available capacity.

Individual Workload Schemes

It is possible to assign an individual to a workload scheme, even if his/her group is not assigned to that workload scheme. In order to do that open the user’s profile in Configuration → Users → Click ‘Manage’ near the user’s profile → Choose the Workload Scheme from the dropdown:


We recommend checking our documentation on how to use Jira groups to manage your ActivityTimeline at scale easily.

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